Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cabane a sucre at pond hockey!!!!

Well everyone. We took in the pond hockey this weekend and discovered the cabane a sucre there. The kids were very excited since they missed the one in Plamondon. This is a french tradition where you pour HOT maple syrup on the snow and roll it up with a popsicle stick and eat it. It is very good. Here are a few shots of the kids enjoying it..............


Anonymous said...

Hey there...I got word about your blog and a contest you are having in regards to a free photo session! I really LOVE your photos, I am really into photography and scrapbooking so it is always so nice to see everyones perspective and take on such an awesome hobby! Your work is beautiful and I would love to have a photo session with you!!
Lindsay Palamaruk
(780) 404-5325

Memories For Life Photography said...

Thank-you so much Lindsay. It's great to know people are looking and enjoying what they see. The comments are very helpful. Thanks for looking and i will put your name in the draw.