Friday, February 29, 2008

Spring is almost here........just around the corner.

I'm sooooooooo excited!!!!! I love spring time, all is fresh and new. The grass turns green again, the leaves come out, the frogs croc, and the snow gear goes away for another year. A fresh clean start for everything. Just like our lives. We get so busy with our children, school, sports activities, that we sometimes just forget to live. And for the last 11 yrs, that's where I've been. So spring is a good time to get things back in order, like finally doing something for myself.

This spring in MY new start. For me and my new business. And because I'm sooooooo excired about it, I'm going to offer you all, 30% off of all my digital packages. For packages just call or e-mail me for the information. You have until August 1, 2008 to book your appointements.

And to really kick things off, I will also be giving away:

~One free session-to be booked anytime, and with this you get the prints on

disk for your own keeping.

Yes, a free session. Isn't that cool. So go and leave your comments on the comment board and I will be drawing for the winner on March 7, 2008. So keep checking.

Here are s few pictures I took of my flower gardens to help cheer everyone up. Spring IS just around the corner.


Sébastien's Proud Mommy said...

These are AMAZING!!!

The Theroux's said...

Hey there! Love the flower shots! I might have to experiment this summer on more than just my kids!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chantelle! Those flower shots are amazing! I'd love a free session of yours too, I'm so glad to see that your doing your thing with photography!

Shannon Simpson said...

Cool pics!
I would love to wina free session, since I have been thinking about getting my kids pics taken by a professional!