Tuesday, March 31, 2009

{ Mother's Day FREE Session Contest.....}

Well it's that time of the year again for my spring giveaway!!!!! And since the snow is finally starting to melt, what better time than now!!!

This year I decided to spice things up a bit and make you work for this one.
Here's the catch..........I think ALL Mother's are special and in order to Honor you as a mother, I want to hear WHY you think YOU or YOUR Mother deserve this session!!!! In a few words, share with me why You or your loved one(mother, friend, sister, ect.....who is a mother) are important and deserve this special gift to honor you. It's O.K. to nominate yourself....because you are important too!!!!! 

{The Prize}

One free Mother's Day Session, which can include just you or with your loved one(mother, daughter). Also included is a $20 credit towards prints or CD and a coil bound book with 10 images! That's a total value of about $150.


This contest is open to residents within an hour driving distance from Plamondon, AB. The winner can call or e-mail me to schedule their session by May 1, 2009. The session must take place before September 1, 2009! Participants must be willing to sign a model release allowing Memories For Life to use their images for advertising or display purposes. If you want picture's to give for Mother's day, you should book your session right away after the draw.

{What to do}

Join my facebook page(if you haven't already)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Plamondon-AB/Memories-For-Life-photography-by-Chantelle/53147980975?ref=mf and under this note make a comment telling me why you or loved one deserves this. Or you can go to my blog at http://mflphotographybychantelle.blogspot.com/ and leave a comment under the Mother's day contest and leave one there.

{The Draw}

The draw will take place on April 14, 2009 at which time one of my children will draw a name and the winner will be posted on here and my blog at

Good luck, spread the word and I look forward to reading all your wonderful comments!!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So, I'm in need of a little blog loving, so if you could let me know what you think of these picture's that would be great! He is such a sweetie and I love taking picture's of him. So sweet....8)

Monday, March 16, 2009

{ Senior Sesions } .....Fun,fun!!!!

I'am so excited about these new sessions I will be offering. They are called { Senior Sessions } and they are so much fun for the teenage girls or boys. A very creative way to express yourself and these are just a couple of templates I have. A great way to display and capture your { True } self to remember those young, fun adventurative days in school.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sweet Little {Vida}

Here's some more sweetness that I couldn't help but post. She is such a little beauty!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mini Sessions......

Sorry about the picture, I'm trying to figure out this bigger picture thing and it's not working very well.  Thanks for your patience!!!!!

  I'm so excited to be offering these new sessions which I call "Short & Sweet Sessions".  They are exactly how they sound......Short and Sweet!!!!!  They are 30 min sessions and include 10 picture's on a CD for you to print.  Because they are "Mini" sessions, there will not be as many poses or change of clothing as in my full sessions.  The cost of these sessions is $125.

  Some types of sessions include: Mother & Daughter, Pets, Seniors, Children, Princess and Babies First Year sessions.

  For more information, please call 780.798.3509 or e-mail me at memeoriesforlife@mcsnet.ca.