This year, I had the honor of being one of the photographers at the St.Valentines Day Hair Massacure, 2008. I must say it was trully one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. My cousin,Tammy McDonald founded this event for her daughter Kali, who was diagnosed with cancer when she was 2 yrs old. It takes place every year on February 14th. It is trully an amazing experience to witness this and an honor to be able to capture these powerful and moving moments.
I just wanted to share some of the 1600 picture's that I photographed. This was an experience I will forever hold dear in my heart. The human soul is a powerful tool..... Let us all be a part of this cure. I hope you can take away a little bit of what I witnessed and captured on that day, by looking into the souls of these amazing people who donated money, time and hair for this cause. God bless them all.